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 RPG War new RPG game

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Number of posts : 85
Age : 29
Location : Lake Charles, Louisiana
<b>Gamertag</b> : Ninja60970
<b>Warnings</b> :
RPG War new RPG game Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100RPG War new RPG game Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
RPG War new RPG game Left_bar_bleue30 / 10030 / 100RPG War new RPG game Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-05

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RPG War new RPG game Empty
PostSubject: RPG War new RPG game   RPG War new RPG game EmptyWed Jun 25, 2008 7:44 am

hey, i have pretty much finished the Map, and i have a new rule that might help the killing, and i have the ranks and weapons types. and i have a good name, RPG War

RANKS Rank Weapon Description
General Shotgun/special Leader of Entire army
Commander small/special Leader of 1 troop
Scout Sniper/small Goes ahead of army/troop to see wats ahead
Private small/special Normal Soldier

Weapon Class Weapons
small assault rifle, battle rifle, smg, magnum
special missile pod, rocket launcher, spartan laser

1.every1 starts with magnums
2.General/commander Tells Every1 wat vehicle/weapon they get
3.when general/commander tells every their orders they say if they find an opponent they say if they either capture them or kill them, or just run
4.You must seperate your army, u cant have the whole army run into the opponents base or anything that has to do with the whole army, you must seperate them into troops or just make each person go do something different
5.Each person has no sheilds, 1 life, and im gonna mess around with the damage modifier and health and stuff to try to make sniper shots still kill in 2 shots and everything else be normal
6.the 1st army to either kill all the opposing men or take all the territories wins
7.every 30 seconds each army orders more guns, and every 60 seconds they order vehicles (respawn times)

Map Info
1.Its on Avalanche
2.each base has alot of barriers
3.each base has 1 tank and 1 hornet
4.there is a small covanent outpost in the middle with plasma pistols, spikers, 1 brute shot, plasma grenades, a chopper, banshee, fuel rod and 2 ghosts

Map Descriprion
2 Spartan teams found a big snowy wasteland, but this was the only section with power, they never discovered each other until they found out that there was small covenant outpost in the very middle, they were fighting side by side until 1 person acccidentally shot some1 on the other team in the back, and the other team turned against them and that is wat created RPG WAR

the map isnt competely done but will be rite after this post is posted which would be...........NOW....no wait......NOW....crud.......NOW
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Nightmare Genesis
Nightmare Genesis

Number of posts : 99
<b>Gamertag</b> : BaDKarmA225
<b>Warnings</b> :
RPG War new RPG game Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100RPG War new RPG game Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
RPG War new RPG game Left_bar_bleue150 / 100150 / 100RPG War new RPG game Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-01

Master Character List
Hitman: No
Salesmen: Yes
Officer: Part-time

RPG War new RPG game Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPG War new RPG game   RPG War new RPG game EmptyThu Jun 26, 2008 6:31 am

If the game ends up being liked, I'll make a new section on the forums about it Smile
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Number of posts : 21
Location : japan
<b>Gamertag</b> : Gamertag: jaws802
<b>Warnings</b> :
RPG War new RPG game Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100RPG War new RPG game Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
RPG War new RPG game Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100RPG War new RPG game Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-11

RPG War new RPG game Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPG War new RPG game   RPG War new RPG game EmptySun Jun 29, 2008 1:55 am

hmmm ok..... but some rules in this are hard to understand.
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PostSubject: Re: RPG War new RPG game   RPG War new RPG game Empty

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