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 New type of rpg game!

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5 posters

is this a good idea
New type of rpg game! I_vote_lcap33%New type of rpg game! I_vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
New type of rpg game! I_vote_lcap0%New type of rpg game! I_vote_rcap
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New type of rpg game! I_vote_lcap67%New type of rpg game! I_vote_rcap
 67% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 6


Number of posts : 21
Location : japan
<b>Gamertag</b> : Gamertag: jaws802
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-11

New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 5:57 am

this is only an idea so please don't get angry or criticize. i just want to know what you think.

This is just the thought and a different game type for rpg. I was thinking today about the maps and i was on forge on avalanche and it struck me. What if we could do a "rpg war" game type.

if it was set up this would be the main objective.

the way it is played.

there would be 2 teams. one side of the map would be one territory of one army and the other territory of one other army. they are in war. their goals are to take or capture the other armies ((teams)) territory. there is also limited ammo and supplies so if an attackers side is running low on supplies they would have to retreat and head back to base to get more.

Ok army leader ranks other etc.

1. The leader of the army is the general.
2. he can order to retreat from a battle, order an attack on any specific territory, or surrender.
3. there is only one life i this game for every person so use it wisely.((maybe two lives if necessary.
4. a commander can order how they attack and how they would take territories and where the take camp at. He gives the order to make some one scout ahead and all that stuff and he can also only give the soldiers the order to attack freely or attack standardly.
5. then there is normal soldiers no rank.


1. no killing unless ordered to if you do you can be booted by party leader.
2. if not enough people are there than some rules don't apply.
3. you are able to surrender. the way to surrender is to go up to other team and crouch. ((i know stupid.))
4. only weapons that should be out is assult rifle and battle rifle.
5. scouts can only have sniper rifles.
6. in battle any UNSC weapon an be used that means no swords period or any covenant weapons.
7. this game is only to be played on large maps like vanhalla and avalanche. If not enough people are playing then small maps are required but big maps could be used also.
8. no covenant vehicles are in this game type. only UNSC vehicles are able to be used. but tanks and hornets are rarely to be used.
9. no goofing off. this is so posed to be a fair and real life game type. there is some goffy ness used in it also like when you are at camp to tell jokes and all that stuff Etc.
10. have fun.

helemts match rank.
1. generals helmet is going to be "hiyabusa" armour.
2. commanders is "C.Q.B" armour.
3.normal soldier is "mark VI" and "mark V"
4. elites are only normal soldiers any armour can be used.

if you think i left anything out just reply what it should be.
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Nightmare Genesis
Nightmare Genesis

Number of posts : 99
<b>Gamertag</b> : BaDKarmA225
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue150 / 100150 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-01

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New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 11:56 am

Hmmm. Maybe, if you can get a big party to play it, we'll see how it turns out.
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Number of posts : 21
Location : japan
<b>Gamertag</b> : Gamertag: jaws802
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-11

New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 4:44 pm

yeah i was thinking the same thing.
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Number of posts : 85
Age : 29
Location : Lake Charles, Louisiana
<b>Gamertag</b> : Ninja60970
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue30 / 10030 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-05

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New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 11:56 am

i think it would be pretty cool to do this
ive been wanting to play something like this ever since i heard about halo
this could be really cool
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Number of posts : 54
<b>Gamertag</b> : xXSpriggs116Xx
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue3 / 1003 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue1 / 1001 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-01

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New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 12:00 pm

sounds cool wen should we play
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Number of posts : 21
Location : japan
<b>Gamertag</b> : Gamertag: jaws802
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-11

New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 2:49 am

ok but first we need to forge a better map than what i have made. any one that would like to help wit that just message me and i will invite you.
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 32
Location : Brooklyn, NY
<b>Gamertag</b> : OuTLaWxNYx
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue150 / 100150 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-06

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New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 8:44 am

I see Two main problems with this:

1.with only 1 or two live u can expect either a very quick game were everyone charges and game ends in less that 5min or everyone will camp and ill be a slow paced boring game.

2.I am not sure the rule that says you can only attack is your commander orders you to will work becuase i am sure people will dis obey it and you will have no way to see if he really did ask his commander.

P.S. This can still work you might just have to tweek some rules.
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Number of posts : 21
Location : japan
<b>Gamertag</b> : Gamertag: jaws802
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-11

New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptySun Jun 22, 2008 6:20 am

outlawxnyx wrote:
I see Two main problems with this:

1.with only 1 or two live u can expect either a very quick game were everyone charges and game ends in less that 5min or everyone will camp and ill be a slow paced boring game.

2.I am not sure the rule that says you can only attack is your commander orders you to will work becuase i am sure people will dis obey it and you will have no way to see if he really did ask his commander.

P.S. This can still work you might just have to tweek some rules.

yeah i do have to tweak the rules and everyone will not charge and risk their playing time and if the soldeir disobeys then he could get a job of only being the guard at the base and not do anything but stand. but i guess you are right so far.
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 32
Location : Brooklyn, NY
<b>Gamertag</b> : OuTLaWxNYx
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue150 / 100150 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-06

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New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptySun Jun 22, 2008 8:12 am

just picture u run into a enemy point blank; i really doubt ur gonna say "comander can i kill him"you would shoot first ask questions later.But this all really depends on if the people obey the rules.
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Number of posts : 85
Age : 29
Location : Lake Charles, Louisiana
<b>Gamertag</b> : Ninja60970
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue30 / 10030 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-05

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New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyTue Jun 24, 2008 5:46 pm

i just wouldnt do the helmet ranks, the army general can just decide
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Number of posts : 21
Location : japan
<b>Gamertag</b> : Gamertag: jaws802
<b>Warnings</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

<b>Points</b> :
New type of rpg game! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100New type of rpg game! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-11

New type of rpg game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New type of rpg game!   New type of rpg game! EmptyWed Jun 25, 2008 2:53 am

outlawxnyx wrote:
just picture u run into a enemy point blank; i really doubt ur gonna say "comander can i kill him"you would shoot first ask questions later.But this all really depends on if the people obey the rules.
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