General Rules1.Money is valued in territories, weapons, cars and any service u can to for the person.
2.The Only way you can have persmission to murder someone is either because ur a cop and a criminal is running away, a mob boss ordered you to do so (if your a hitman) and if it is self defence.
3.Everyone must walk around with a plasma pistol out. The only people in the game that can do otherwise and the cops.
4.Some Jobs get to have a free territory just for being that job.(you will be told if you get a free territory before the game begins).
5.You cant take a another person territory unless he sells it to to you.
6.There is no revenge in this game, meaning that if u get killed and can not respawn adn go kill the person who just murdered. ounce you respawn you are to forget what happened in your past life.
Hitman/MoB Boss Rules1.The hitman can only kill someone if his mob boss give him the order to do so.
2.The mob boss can order his hitman to kill someone if someone comes to him and pays hiom to do so.
Cops Rules1.Cops get to walk around with a real gun (non- plasma pistol)
2.Can only kill someone if he trys to escape or has killed more than 1 peron.
3.before arresting someone you must have proff or have seen him doing a crime.
Mayor1.HE is the boss of the cops.The cops are like hes body gaurds.
2.he can set up town meetings.
3.He can creat new laws as long they are apropriate.
Gun/Car Dealer1.sells items for territories or anything he may want.
2.can only have the territory he is given at given at start of the game unless some one sells him one.
Citizen/Fry Cook/Drug Dealer1.Used only whne h=we havea surplus of people
2.Just walk around and act like a ordinary perons/ causing drama